6/3/22 Tom McCormick for Beverage Industry News» Commentary on ProBrewer.com The U.S. non-alcoholic beer market surpassed $9.5 billion in 2019, and is projected to see a steady compound annual growth rate of 7.5% between now and 2026, according to Global Market Insights. More and more craft brewers are looking to the growing segment, not only to tap into the growth potential, but also to fulfill a need of their customer base, who often will switch back forth between full-strength beers and an occasional N/A. A number of larger craft brewers have jumped into the category such as Brooklyn Brewery with its Special Effects N/A IPA and of course Athletic Brewing’s range of N/A beers, but even smaller craft breweries such as Leader Brewing in Palm Bay Florida have just recently added an N/A beer to their portfolio.
Continue Reading at: https://www.probrewer.com/beverage-industry-news/commentary/expert-panel-explores-non-alcoholic-craft-beer-as-segment-continues-to-grow/
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